Friday, November 18, 2005

Well, all the pieces are done...

Hi, I finished all the pieces a couple of weeks ago and did a three needle bind-off for the shoulders. Then I did something that happens more often than I'd like to admit: I put it down and started a new project... I even went to my neighborhood craft store and bought chiffon because I was so excited that the finish was in sight! So I'm going to try to finish next week, I'm a grad student and I have the whole week off for thanksgiving so it should be a cinch, right? ;-)


At 4:09 pm, Blogger Aimee said...

I hope you can post pics when you're done. I just cast on this morning. So far, so good, but I'd love to see a completed one. Other than the magazine picture of course.

At 1:25 am, Blogger lazysaturday said...

Hi, sorry my reply is late! I just got a vaguely creamy white color, I didn't really want to figure out another color to match with the yellowish color yarn I used for the body and my local craft shop didn't have that many colors to choose from anyway ;-)


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